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Covid-19 update 2020-2021

Posted Date: 07/08/2020

July 7, 2020

County Line School District Covid-19 update for 2020-21


County Line Schools will follow the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) guidelines and the Arkansas Ready for Learning report issued by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) in planning re-opening on August 13, 2020.

Our plan will be to provide as safe an experience as possible that includes a rich educational experience, with opportunities for social interaction and extracurricular activities while adhering to the guidelines provided by the ADH.

In an effort to answer many of the questions you have in relation to the 2020-21 school year, we are releasing the information below with the understanding that it is a fluid time with continued updates and directives from the ADH and DESE. The information included in this document is based on what we know today and is subject to change. We will continue to give you updates as they are available. If you have any questions, please feel free to email .

What is the first day of school for our students?

School will begin on August 13, 2020 as originally planned. This date will only change if the ADH sends updated guidance, but that is not anticipated at this time.

Will orientation nights be different this year?

We are working on options to include virtual options as an alternative to parent nights. You will receive more information on orientation plans in late July or early August.

Will bus transportation be provided?

Regular bus routes and schedules will continue as they have in the past. We do encourage families to transport their own children as much as possible to decrease bus crowding. Students over the age of 10 will be required to wear a mask while on the bus and the parents should screen their child for fever, sore throat, coughing, or shortness of breath before placing them on the school bus each morning. Bus drivers are required to wear a mask as well.

What will the school day look like?

It is our intent to keep the school day as normal as possible for every students. Every effort will be made to reduce group sizes and transitions. Recess, lunch times, and special classes will continue with some modifications of student numbers and adequate cleaning between class periods. Students will not share school supplies.


Will teachers and students wear masks?

Currently, ADH is recommending that children over the age of 10 and adults wear a face covering. We will follow that recommendation with the exception that in areas where a 6 foot social distance can be maintained, masks can be removed. In the event that we have an increase in the number of positive cases, face coverings could be required. Here is a link to the most recent ADH recommendations:


Do I need to provide a mask for my child?

The district will provide masks for children who arrive without them. Parents are welcome to provide their own masks for their child/children.

Will social distancing be observed?

Social distancing will be observed as much as feasibly possible, but at times students will be closer than the recommended 6 feet. When social distancing requirements cannot be maintained, students over the age of 10 will be expected to wear face coverings. Classroom space and cafeteria spaces will be set up to increase the space between students as much as possible.

Will students, parents, staff be screened before entering the building?

Parents will be asked to do home screening every morning with their child/children. More information will be sent before school starts in August. Staff will self- screen. In the event that a child or staff member presents with symptoms, they will not be allowed to attend school until they have been cleared by a physician or a school nurse.

What will happen if a student comes to school sick?

Our staff and school nurse will have the necessary training to ensure your child’s safety. If a child shows up at school exhibiting signs of fever, cough, sore throat, the students will be sent home and will need to be fever free for 48 hours without medication before returning to school. When the child returns to school, they must be approved for re-entry by the school nurse.

If an individual test positive for COVID-19, what happens?

In the event a student or teacher on our campus tests positive, we will follow the latest guidance form ADH. We will be in direct contact with ADH and those individuals who need to be contacted under the contact tracing guidelines will receive proper notification.



How will we fill gaps from content missed last year?

Key concepts will be woven into new learning and mastery will be assessed. Students will also take early assessments in September to pinpoint student needs and guide daily instruction.

What attendance changes do I need to be made aware of?

Children will need to attend school daily as they have in the past. In the event of illness, the school will work with the family for online learning options. There will be no attendance incentive programs or semester test exemptions based on attendance.

If I don’t want my child to return to face to face instruction on August 13th, what are my options?

Fulltime virtual learning is an option for students or families with medical concerns or other qualifying reasons for not returning to face to face instruction. Virtual learning can be effective with strong parental support at home. However, this type of learning is not for everyone and cannot replace face to face interaction with teacher and peers.


What is fulltime virtual learning?

Fulltime virtual learning is an online curriculum platform. At this time we are planning on utilizing the student’s grade level teacher to provide this curriculum. This platform will ensure your child gets a quality education covering the Arkansas state curriculum standards with the rigor and excellence of County Line Schools. The child will not attend any onsite classes, but must be supported by a parent or guardian at home, and must have adequate access to internet service. For more information contact Mr. Taylor Gattis at 479-635-2222 or

What happens if we have another school closure for prolonged period?

Instructional leaders throughout the district are working on digital learning platforms to ensure seamless blended learning as the need arises to pivot from face to face instruction to online instruction. Teachers will spend time in the school day training students on how to access the content, as well as giving students time to practice use of the online platform. Online instruction will continue to follow the same to face pacing guide and will deliver new learning as well as practicing previously introduced concepts.

Will students be able to participate in extracurricular activities and sports in the fall?

Yes, our athletes returned to campus in early June to begin conditioning and practice. We anticipate sports activities in the fall with possible modifications as directed by the ADH and the Arkansas Activities Association.

Please keep in mind these are uncertain times and we are dedicated to providing your child with an excellent education while keeping everyone as safe as possible.